Version 1.1 Released

Version 1.1 is finally here! This took way longer than I expected. Here are some new or improved content:

  • 10 new levels in the form of bonus levels - These are available after getting far into the main game. These levels are much harder and contain new mechanics. There's a different theme or mechanic every 2 levels for a total of 5 themes. (e.g. Bonus levels 3 and 4 are going to have a different mechanic than bonus levels 7 and 8.)
  • 5 levels have been changed - Levels 3, 15, 18, and 29 have been changed for the better. They have been revamped to be harder and less lazy. Level 28 had a cheese that's been removed now.
  • 2 secret levels - One is a remix level, which contains all the mechanics in a world mixed into one level. The other is a secret level, which is just hard to find. You can easily access them once you beat them for the first time.
  • 8 new achievements - The completion marks from the previous update got replaced with actual achievements. These can be accessed in the main menu.
  • 6 new milestones - Milestones are basically achievements that can't be reset and are way harder to obtain. (Milestones have their own reset if you want to reset them.) These are not required to 100% but are there as an extra challenge if you want to complete them. Most of these milestones require you to beat certain worlds deathless. Milestones are accessible by beating world 1 without dying.
  • Death counter - A death counter is finally added to the game! Now you will know exactly how many times you died on this "simple" game.
  • You can confirm if you want to reset now - A door now blocks the reset button to avoid accidently resetting the game. The key is put on the other side of the screen so there is no way to reset on accident.
  • 4 new songs and background changes - When you go to a level, there wasn't any audio and visual changes to tell what world you were in. Now every world has a new background and a song to make it feel like it's actually a different world than the previous one.
  • Icons in the window and application - The previous update had the default Pygame icons on the window and .exe file. Now there's an icon there now.

There are a few more minor things that were fixed but that's most of the new changes in the update. You can still play version 1.0.1 if you want. I'm going to keep a version history so you can play previous versions of the game. I'll probably work on a different game now but I'll still keep adding more updates in this game. There still more ideas that I want to add in this game. See you next update!


Just a Simple Square Game 25 MB
Aug 05, 2024

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